Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to Enable English (Roman Script) Transliteration to Indian Language in Blogger (आङ्ग्ल भाषा को देवनागरी में कैसे परिवर्तित करे)

How to Enable English (Roman Script) Transliteration to Indian Language :

आङ्ग्ल भाषा को देवनागरी में कैसे परिवर्तित करे

The Quick Answer

  • Go to the Settings | Language and formatting tab and enable the transliteration option.
  • * Select your language.
  • Click the Transliteration button on the posting form to type in transliteration mode.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

[Book Review] "March of the Aryans" by Bhagawan S. Gidwani

Book based on Research into early Indian culture : Excellent book by Bhagwan S. Gidwani (author of Sword of Tipu Sultan).
Note : This title is an adaptation of earlier book 'The Return of the Aryans'.

Western Rip-offs of Bharatiya Sanskriti

+ "Christian" Yoga repackaging Surya-Namaskar firstly as Sun-Salutation and then very sneakily as Son-Salutation!! Hahaha :

+ 64 Kala The Original "Multiple Intelligence Theory??!!" :

+ Article "I hate Chota Bheem" :
Misleading use of Bheem as the series has nothing to do with Pandava Bheem. Neither very moralistic nor very educational. Just a plain-old Super-hero wearing saffron dhoti. Like mixing Ice-Cream with Sambar.

Origin of Konkani (Amchi) from Sanskrit

The origins of Konkani makes interesting reading 

I recently came across a blog 
by one Ms. Aarti Makeri of USA. 

I found it interesting and thought I must share this with our group. 

It says "In ancient times, the Saraswat Brahmins lived near the Saraswati River, a region of land which became known as the Saraswat Desha. 

At that time, the Saraswats emphasized the importance of correct pronunciation and grammar of the Sanskrit language in public. However, at home, they spoke a vernacular form of Sanskrit which became known as Brahmani. 

Other names for this common spoken language are Brahmi, Bharati, Geervana, and Saraswati. The prose form of this language became known as Basha. Thus, many referred to the spoken language of the Saraswats as Bal Saraswati, Bal Basha, or Brahmani.
How did Brahmani become known as Konkani?!forum/shri-chitrapur-saraswats

Bharatiya Science and Technology

The below videos showcase a small part of their achievements :
+ 64 Kala The Original "Multiple Intelligence Theory??!!" :

+ Quantam Indians :
While not well known in India, Quantam Physics has absorbed a lot of the metaphysics of India.
Read 'The The Tao of Physics' which explains how Heisenberg and many atomic physicists were heavily influenced by Indian Philosophy. Nataraj symbolises the 'dancing universe' where each particle is dancing/vibrating with it's own nada.

Rajiv Malhotra documents how 'Indian Thought' - starting with Swami Vivekananda and continuing to this day - has quietly and surely stormed the gates of science in the West :

Though never explicitly given credit/acknowledged 'Indian Thought' has given the world a lot and has TONS more where it came from. Metaphysics of Indian Thought is being repackaged and passed off as Quantam Physics.

 + BBC documentary History of Indian Mathematics Part 1 :

+ What the Ancients Knew - India BBC documentary :

+ What the Ancient Indians did for us Engineering :

+ Rajiv Malhotra Infinity Foundation's Research into Indian Scientific and Sanskritic Heritage :

+ Superb book on Traditional Water Management Techniques of India : Note: This book is part of the Infinity Foundation (Rajiv Malhotra) series on documenting traditional and ancient science, technology and Sanskriti of India.

+ "Himalayan Traditional Architecture" book : Note: This book is part of the Infinity Foundation (Rajiv Malhotra) series on documenting traditional and ancient science, technology and Sanskriti of India.

+ The Western (limited) acknowledgement of Indian Science :

+ "Congreve" Rocket mentioned in S.Gurumurthy's talk should have been called "Mysore Rocket" instead :
First came across the Rocket fact in the TV Serial 'The Sword of Tipu Sultan'. Till then I'd thought that Chinese had developed the normal rockets but didn't think of applying that to warfare (read this in Tinkle comics). What I didn't know till today that the British 'reverse-engineered' Mysore rockets and modified them to be used in war against Napolean!! Why did I not know this and I'm fairely 'educated' to be aware of this. This is more of a cognitive problem of perception rather than information. When you wear pink glasses the whole world looks pink (in this case Euro-centric).

"A later landmark in Indian mathematics was the development of the series expansions for trigonometric functionsarc tangent) by mathematicians of the Kerala School in the fifteenth century CE. Their remarkable work, completed two centuries before the invention of calculus in Europe, provided what is now considered the first example of a power series (apart from geometric series).[12] However, they did not formulate a systematic theory of differentiation and integration, nor is there any (sine, cosine, and direct evidence of their results being transmitted outside Kerala"

Some great info on Mathematics and Sanskrit/Vedas, Coding/Decoding with Error correction techniques used in Chanting:

+ Some interesting info from wikipedia on "Arabic Numerals" :

+ Indian mathematicians achieved even before the Europeans :

Superb reader friendly article on Brahmgupta :

Found this blog by C K Raju (
a mathematician, after reading an article on Indian science from Bhoomi magazine.
He conducts workshops to show the ease of use of the Indian Calculus. You can find the pdfs for the workshop here: Indian Calculus:

He also observes that the "delay" of the monsoon is because of the slippage of time (~20 days) as per Gregorian Calendar. Using the Indian Calendar would most probably yield the correct start of monsoon

He's also done research into the ancient maths of India. He says that Indians created Calculus long before the west. They did this for use in predicting the monsoons.

Many forms of Lakshmi

The word 'Luck' may have been derived from the word Lakshmi - the goddess of wealth :

This includes not just money but all kinds of wealth i.e. vidya lakshmi, varada-lakshmi and many other attributes of lakshmi.

Note that the Hindu scriptures talk about 2 different kinds of knowledge:
1) Vidya - everlasting knowledge
2) Kala - knowledge that waxes and wanes (transient) knowledge

Ashta Lakshmi (Sanskrit: अष्टलक्ष्मी,Aṣṭalakṣmī, lit. "eight Lakshmis") are a group of eight secondary manifestations of the goddess Lakshmi, who preside over eight sources of wealth and thus represent the powers of Shri-Lakshmi.
Ashta Lakshmi
आदि लक्ष्मी Ādi Lakṣmī The First manifestation of Lakshmi
धान्य लक्ष्मी Dhānya Lakṣmī Granary wealth
धैर्य लक्ष्मी Dhairya Lakṣmī Wealth of courage
गज लक्ष्मी Gaja Lakṣmī Elephants, symbols of wealth
सन्तान लक्ष्मी Santāna Lakṣmī Wealth of continuity, progeny
विजय लक्ष्मी Vijaya Lakṣmī Wealth of victory
विद्या लक्ष्मी Vidyā Lakṣmī Wealth of knowledge and education
धन लक्ष्मी Dhana Lakṣmī Monetary wealth

Sanskrit Matters

You can learn Sanskrit quite easily in India.

Sanskrit is a language that is so beautiful, however the teaching approaches in many books etc are very dry and academic. They also require a lot of memorization.

So it helps to find books which explain the language not from a grammar perspective but in terms of beautiful things created using the language.
One such book, you may want to get hold of is 'The Wonder That is Sanskrit' by Sri Aurobindo Society. It can be ordered from their website by sending DD.

Book: 'The Wonder That is Sanskrit' (Paperback)
Authors :  Sampadananda Mishra & Vijay
Publishing House : Sri Aurobindo Society and MapInLit (MapIn Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad)
Pages : 210
Price: Rs. 275

Amazing information on Sanskrit as a unique scientific language.
Encoding/Encryption features of the language using chitrakavyas etc.

Link to excerpt from the book:
Ordering Info:
a) Audio CD Set :
b) Order Book online:

c) Research into Bhagvad Gita : Rs. 995 CD:

d) Chandas/Meters in Sanskrit : Rs. 495 CD :

An online yahoo group called "14 Vidya 64 Kala" :


0) Vedas: Aurobindo Society has brought out an Audio CD on 'Channdas' which describes the various metres used for singing slokas or vedas correctly.

1) Bhagvad Gita:
a) Aurobindo Society have brought out Audio CDs with detailed interpretation of 'Bhagvad Gita' with in-depth explanation of each word and references to other interesting works.
b) Vagish Shastri has a set of mp3 files which describe the meaning of Bhagvad Gita.

2) Grammatical Sanskrit : 
There are a number of books written on the matter.
All belong to Paninian school.

Persian and Sanskrit are very closely related. Persians used 'H' instead of 'Sa' as in Hindu vs. Sindhu. So Hu-Mata = Su-Mata (Good Mind/Thoughts), Hukhta = Sa-Ukta (Good Utterances), Hvareshta = Sa-Vareshta (Good Higher (deeds) ) Note: If anybody can give better translations please do so.

Differences in Pronounciation in Indian Regional Languages :

Given the list of syllables:
Ta, Tha, Da, Dha....

As per my knowledge I use the 3rd syllable in Dil, where as many (other) pure southerners use the 4th syllable.
As I already pointed out the same thing happens in Tukaram vs. Thukaram.
The 1st syllable in list replaced by second syllable in list.

Bharat becomes Bharath... or even Baarath.... (spoken)
Actually many times people even "write" in Telugu etc properly but pronounce it "wrongly".

So Shrek, I think the phonetics you're used to are as per Telugu and not as per Hindi...
but this is among the main clearly visible differences in Northy/Southy accents...

The book - "The Vedas" by Shri Chandrashekarananda Saraswati (former Shankaracharya of Kanchi peetham)
gives an interesting story why this happened historically....

This same pattern is repeated across North/South, East/West....
People in Bengal pronounce 'Va' as 'Ba' - Vanga Desh becomes Banga-Desh etc...

Recitation of Vedas etc was divided into 4+ families across India....
each family used a slightly different letter in pronounciation
Ta OR Tha,
Da OR Dha and so on....
(if you see above this is like a left/right shift in the list of syllables - Ta, Tha, Da, Dha.... )

Soon this spread into common usage at all levels in societies...
this is why we see this kind of difference across North/South and East/West....
India is more united than it seems....

Context of Words and Meaning:

Sanskrit was designed to be a song-based language and also an experiential language.
Each word has roots based on 'akshara's which have their own 'range of meanings'/shades of meanings.
Since each word has so many meanings, you need to be selective as to which particular meaning fits into the given context.
Why did the author select this word here why not a more commonly used word. There was a reason for selecting that particular word for that context.
So it's more like having many boxes of different jig-saw puzzles being mixed together.

I remember hearing in Vagyoga that in Vedas each sentence can have 3 meanings - Gross, Fine, Subtle.

At a finer level - understanding the different shades of meaning is important to correctly understand which word is being used from a range of options.
Why was one word chosen over another is also important as it indicates the intention of the author. Otherwise you end up with intention of the reader.

In fact the old name for Sanskrit is Chanddas/'Play' as in Geet/Songs.
The ancient Rishis gave lot of attention to 'laya'/beats and 'ucchaar'/pronounciation.

The language was also designed to be such that the same word could convey immense number of meanings - depending on the way you interpreted the words based on audience's context.

So it was very much dependant on the audience what they meaning they took based on their own context. A householder, a disciple, a Rishi would read the same sentences and come up with totally different meanings.

Each context decodes the word/sentence using a set of concepts which are totally different. So same word has different meanings on different planes. So unless you read a lot of explanations on a particular plane you don't have the vocabulary to decode the word in the context of that plane.

Example : Kabir's dohas
a) A doha gives wise homegrown sayings for a worldly person.
b) The same doha shows different intellectual meaning to a disciple.
c) The same doha describes a experiential meaning to an adept.

So you can come up with all kinds of meanings based on how you interpret/decode the text.

In fact this is just the tip of the iceberg. Sanskrit is not an ordinary language it is meant for understanding the very foundation of life.
The very aksharas denote different energies within us and the universe. Something like the periodic table but very much more energy-based.
Sanskrit as a language requires no dictionary. Since knowing the roots of the language is enough to ascertain the meaning of even a newly invented word.
Spiritually speaking each akshara denotes a subtle energy/vibrational form seen by different rishis. In fact most mantras derive their subtle energy from their root akshara.


Treasure of Sanskrit:
There are still classic sanskrit texts that are undeciphered or unread.
In fact each Sanskrit stotra gives different meaning when decoded with a different key.
The ebook version of "The Wonder that is Sanskrit":

The book 'The Wonder that is Sanskrit' talks about amazing encoding schemes which are known only to people initiated in the lineages of different groups.
There are other encoding schemes which can be deciphered. Vedic Mathematics in fact was started by one holy person from Bhagvad-Gita stanzas.

Sanskrit was designed to be used in poetic form. So words in a sentence could take any place.
English sentence : "The boy hit the red ball with the blue bat".
In Sanskrit you could mix the words in any order and still have the same meaning.
In English you'd end up with nonsense like " The ball hit the blue boy with the bat red"

We already know a lot of Sanskrit without knowing it. In fact if you visit Samskrita Bharati they talk to you in Sanskrit.
And the beauty is that you can understand quite a lot.
Kannada, Telugu, Hindi are all derived from Sanskrit. Even Tamil has lot of Sanskrit words in it.
Mapping letters to numerals : Katapayadi System :

Sanskrit allows you to create text which has different meanings for different audiences and contexts. Multiplexing and Encoding combined.
Names for these in computer science would be compression, encryption, multiplexing and communication.
Katapayadi Sankhya is used in naming of Carnatic Ragas.

For example pi/10 is concerned...
There is a "standard" way of decoding some of the verses.... (note the quotes on standard)
its based on diagram encryption known as "chitra-kavya", "svara-kavya".
It uses techniques involving palindromes and mapping of paths in tables to decode  a verse.

Refer : a) "The wonder that is sanskrit" a book written by Aurobindo Ashram beautifully brings out this and other mind-boggling encryption schemes.

1) We had this knowledge and we lost access to it, except for few instances.

2) Seems like the "closed-source"/encryption worked too well...
    restriction of knowledge leads to its eventual stagnation and loss.
    Maintaining high barriers to knowledge leads to expert-systems.
    Knock-off enough experts (or prevent new experts from coming up) and there is no system anymore.

3) The British and Mughal rule too was quite successful in ensuring that the "chain-of-command" was broken.
    The system which was responsible for passing on knowledge no longer had bright, intelligent new recruits to carry it forward.
    The book "Daas Dongari Raahato" talks about this happening from before the time of Shivaji itself.

4) Today jobs are totally linked to knowing western culture,
    What is the value of knowing chitra-kavyas in "dollar" terms vs. the value of knowing "Karnaugh-Maps" in dollar terms??
    Hence a real guru in these arts of decoding our ancient culture is no better off than a shendi-wagging old guy
    (at least in the eyes of cultured babus like us who totally depend on the west)

5) I think we've advanced (knowledge-wise) as much as possible on the spiritual path.
    It's now more a question of utilising this knowledge in the day-to-day and not-so day-to-day activities.
    Einsteins proposed a theory. Scientists understood it. Engineers applied it. Common man sees its effects/products.
    Rishis saw the truth. Swamis understood it. Brahmins applied it.
    The scientists were the swamis etc who could guide/teach the vedas Brahmins/Engineers esp. on the fine points.
    Brahmins were the engineers who had to apply it in day-to-day life of the community.
    Today this is not happenning. There is a crucial break in the training and implementation.

6) If the same were to happen to modern science what would the engineers be doing....
    (take away the basic tools, education system, infra-structure (electricity) and technology i.e. put him on an island with amnesia)
    most probably rubbing 2 rocks together for fire...
    Everything needs a support-system to sustain itself.
    You and I were supposed to be that support-system.

Sri Aurobindo Societys Project: "Resurgent India" a set of VCDs and other things to let Indians know what we have in India.

A good pdf for the meanings of each akshara:


pdf on "The Secret of Veda" by Sri Aurobindo.
    [ ] OR

2) Also available is the collected works in a single zip file somewhere at the bottom of this page:

+ Interpreting the Vedas in multiple ways :

It talks about how there are different meanings in the Vedas for different bents of mind i.e. the ritualistic and the mystic!!
This pdf is more essay type. It's written in a spiralling style slowly converges to the heart of the matter from outside in.
It gives you a feel for what to expect and builds up an anticipation for what is just round the bend of the spiral.

The meanings are entirely symbolic and should not be taken at face value (they are not meant to be).

It targets the intuitive mind working on an engaging and vexing problem.
The one that somehow seems to pop-out the solution to  at a very odd moment....
like when you're just about to sleep or in the bathroom. And Eureka!!


+ Sanskrit blog by Dr. Anuradha Choudhary of Auroville :
+ Healing Power of Vedic Mantras by Dr. Anuradha Choudhary of Auroville :

+ Sampadananda Mishra of Aurobindo Society explains Mahesvar Sutra of Panini which describes the Aksharas and their relations using the Sounds a Train makes!! :
+ Sampadananda Mishra 2 :
+ Sampadananda Mishra 3 :


Vagyoga Mnemonic Technique:
It takes years to master Sanskrit. So instead trying a different tack. Trying to learn via a new Mnemonic method devised by a Pandit from Varanasi.
Actually before my father passed away I could always ask him my doubts. But now need to learn on my own.
In fact he developed a love for words and language esp. Sanskrit roots in us. In a way understanding these things is a way to keep the connection alive for myself.
Also teaching my son what little I know. In fact that is my motivation for learning Sanskrit too. Want to read Bhagvad-Gita by myself. Instead of relying on somebody else's translation.

Panini made a set of 2000 rules by which words can be derived. But the mnemonic method uses simple and memorable rules instead.
V Rajgopal Bhat:
+ Superb reader friendly article on Brahmgupta :

+ Video How to Pronounce Sanskrit Aksharas (alphabet) :

+ Sanskrit mother of all languages :
+ 64 Kala - The Original "Multiple Intelligence Theory??!!" :ā
+ Paninian Grammer in Modern Linguistics :

+ Ashtadhyayi and Backus Naur Form used in Compiler Design for Programming Languages :
+ Sanskrit Mother of all Languages :
+ Downloadable books (pdf, online, kindle, full text etc) of Nirukta:

+ Sanskrit Vyakarana :
+ Video Sanskrit the Divine Language :

+ Online Publishers and Vendors of Vedic Granthas :

+ Vedanga :

+ Dhanur Veda PDF :

+ PDFs for all the vedas and vedangas in Sanskrit at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University :
+ Nirukta PDF :
+ Sanskrit Fonts for WinXP etc:
+ Stephen Knapp' s Overview of all Vedas and related texts :

FAQ on Role of Sanskrit in Bharatiya Sanskriti Past, Present and Future

Since I come up against such misconceptions on Sanskrit every so often I'll keep updating the post with more such information.
Also since the areas are so vast and all-encompassing I'll update links multiple other posts on culture, economy, spiritualism, religion, science, history, colonization which all go into the making of our nation.

Q) If Sanskrit is so great Why are we talking/typing in English?!! Haha
a) Precisely!! If we knew Sanskrit properly we'd be talking in it and maybe making the case for English to be ALSO learnt for international dealings.
b) Having a conversation in English (with English keyboards) **IS** pragmatic.
    The fact that Indians NEED to talk to each other online/offline in a foreign language is rather sad don't you think

Q) Having conversation in English doesn't make anybody less Indian.
    In fact it DOES make people LESS Indian.
+ Try talking for 5 minutes without using a single English word.
+ Try describing your work in your mother tongue to your grandma.
   Notice How much literal translation goes on.
+ See the effect of the language in today's children. Even if they talk mother tongue in the home they talk to one another in English in school (in fact everywhere except at home).
   In fact they many times reply in English so much so that even determined parents start using more and more English.
+ I'm observing my child actually go through the phonetic combinations that we know as Aksharas.
   The Rishis actually observed the progression and designed the language from the ground-up.

Q) We all are free to speak Sanskrit its a offical language. Lets just not impose it on others.
    Sanskrit existed before foreign rulers came.
    Hence the **reason** for origin of Indian languages from the mother language was never a "homogenizing" effort but a natural progression.

   Regional languages were never "stamped out" by a "central brahminical hegemony".
   Note the deliberate use of leftist-liberal-rhetoric to mock the same.

  Compare that with the IMPOSITION of Urdu(Arabic)/English by Foreign Rulers.
  So why is real Foreign imposition acceptable versus Imagined Sanskrit "imposition".
  This equation of Sanskriti with Fundamentalism is done by media discussed in next question.

Q) Language is a means of communicational utility. English serves the purpose. Just Use it and stop wasting time on "Language Wars"
a) Sanskrit is a mantra-based language by DESIGN :

Though I'm no expert in Sanskrit the very depth of thought and the balancing nature of the language and Worldview of our Sanskriti makes us the way we are.
Changing the language to English will definitely be like adding Flouride to water. Slow and steady death of Indian-ness.

Q) Who wants to learn a dead and difficult language like Sanskrit. No wonder it is dead. In fact it's better off dead. Language is the vehicle of more than just communication. English does and should serve as our communication mechanism with the World.
A society and it's culture - the way it views the world, itself and others - are all part of it.
Rajiv Malhotra explains this in his video on "Being Different : An Indian Alternative to Western Universalism" :

What is the state of Australian aborigines or Red Indians or AfricanAmericans.
The "smart ones" left their culture and language behind, the rest are left in a limbo with their way of life stuck in museums.
They've been melted down like scrap metal losing their identity to the dominant Western narrative.
We only get to hear their "exotic/Chic/ethnic" musical instrument dijderido in A.R. Rehman music to spice up the mix.
Will we too end up discarding our culture in our daily lives and only show-case some "primitive desis as in India Tourism for exotica-seeking mono-cultural Western tourists".

French speak French. Germans speak German. That doesn't make them any less developed.
The truth is that their prosperity was fueled by enormous resources looted from all corners of the world.
It has lasted them a long time and they mean to keep it that way by interventions in upcoming "third-world" countries.
China/Russia/Japan keep their cultural narratives and nationalistic pride alive and kicking.
Note the anti-India narrative in our media. It's an auto-immune disease.

Q) I hate the backward dehati desis. Far better to learn English the language of progressive, developed West.Colonized peoples like ourselves equate English with Development. This is because learning English was a sure-fire way to get a job in Gora-Saab's office.
Away from floods, famines and other natural vagaries brought on by English rules like making lakes, forests, rivers govt. property.

See Satyameva Jayate on how a British ruling made nearly 200 lakes supplying water in Mysore state be abandoned by people.
They'd been upkeeping lakes and forests by bund making and controlling usage for generations.
Today we're seeing a reversal of this thinking in the trendy new Nobel prize winning "Commons" approach in which users are the stakeholders and deciders of usage.

Indians are very focussed and competitive when it comes to their personal/career goals.
Just look at the number of 10th class suicides to get an idea.

However when it comes to their culture anything goes.
This is primarily promoted by "Culture-vulture kya lene ka hai. Pehle padho likho, afsar bano. Ye sab ke liye saari zindagi padi hai. Yeh culture se kya pet bharegaa tera?!!"
Another opinion is "It's ALL superstition and a waste of time."
Others often invoke weasel words like 'this is all maya' and other vedantic concepts to absolve themselves of any stand in such matters.

Q) Track record of West BEFORE and AFTER colonization
We mistakenly attribute MONEY/MILITARY power of West with some difference in their moral/civilizational ethos.
"Gold of rich man makes all his qualities golden"

Greece and Rome both fell to almost third world status after they were conquered/looted by other civilizations.
 The West as we know it copied their ideas and claimed inheritance.
The cultural aspects of Greece a "pagan" nation were conveniently turned into "mythology".
Something similar is being done to our Sanskriti.

India and China were 24% of world economy in 17th Century. Combined West was a paltry 1%.
What fueled the Industrial Revolution in terms of ideas, resources and labour from other cultures like India and other colonies.
So today's "third world" was actually "first world" before the looting and stripping of resources for nearly 200 years.

What does this say about the 'moral flexibility' of these Westerners looking down on us with pity, disgust and derision.
The descendents of the looters are enjoying world domination and have the temerity to preach "human rights" to others.

Q) How reliable are Western Scientific Universalisms
Western Science though it claims an authority made on very tenuous basis is held in respect all round. In our very life time we've seen many holy-grails being cast-aside like exo-planets etc.

Indian puja of Ganga is looked down as superstition.
Having lots of "numbers" on Global Warming is respectable but planting Tulsi, worshipping mountains, rivers, trees is backward and superstitious.

How long before Cultural diversity like Environment is sacrificed to the all-successful (and hence all-knowing short-sighted Western gaze).
How long before we ourselves are sacrificed to our very own short-sightedness.

Q) People make claims that Sanskrit is a 'divine language' etc. It's all B.S!!
+ Simple explanation yet Brilliant insight into only a FEW of the things that make Sanskrit so awesome.
+ For more jaw-droppingly awesome stuff on cryptography, BNF-Grammar etc. you can refer "The Wonder That is Sanskrit" by Sri Aurobindo Publications.

Q) If Sanskrit is TRULY such a Great Language how come nobody ever talks about it?!!
Why are these things you never get to see in media.
The reason is that most of these Delhi journalists (and their followers) are convent educated, leftist-liberals like Arundhati Roy who wax eloquent in Shakespearean language.

Q) Sanskrit is language promoted by RSS
A scientist called Pavlov conducted some experiments like ringing a bell every time he served food to some dogs.
Later just ringing the bell would causes trained dogs to salivate as they associate the bell-ring with food.
This is a trained automatic response.
Associating keywords with pre-programmed behaviour is a standard part of BrainWash/Mesmerism/Hypnotism.

Media has successfully trained educated Indians to equate keywords with associations and trained responses.
24x7 => At Your Service
9/11 => Attack On Democracy
WMD => War on Terror (not invasion of sovereign nations BTW)
Taliban => Freedom Fighters in Russian Era/Terrorists in Bush Era.

2002/Godra => riots/violence/oppression
Hindu => backward
RSS/Hindutva => communal
Sanskrit => Good Old Days Syndrome
Temple => Superstition.

This keyword training is done systematically to make the word ubiquitous and substitute a keyword for a long brain-wash story and the trained response.
By same logic in fact imposition of Urdu/English on Indians can be equated with "Jaziya-tax" or "Salt-Tax".

Q) Sanskrit is a difficult language for even experts. Are you going to burden kids with one MORE difficult language full of memorization and rote-learning?
+ Nearly 70% of regional language words are Sanskrit.
   So learning Sanskrit reinforces the mother-tongue and vice-versa.
   This feedback loop should dramatically accelerate learning of not only mother-tongue but also make it possible to learn OTHER Indian languages!!
+ Samskrita Bharati ( conducts a 10-day workshop to teach simple spoken Sanskrit.
+ They even conduct Bhagvad-Gita hour on week-ends to allow students to read and understand it for themselves using (and increasing) their skills.

Q) Sanskrit is not dead. It has evolved to others like hindi and all the other languages. So why not use Sanskrit 2.0 i.e. regional languages INSTEAD
a) While these languages evolved from Sanskrit. It was a lossy evolution. There is a lot in Sanskrit which is not used in regional languages
b) Our idea of a Nation has been almost irretreivably screwed up by Nhru dy-nasty and its westernized, fabianism/socialism.
    Almost 70 years after Independence we are slowly coming out of the shadow of the Cultural Cleansing of this regime.
c) Not having a common Indian language for Indians to share their ideas and build the Grand Indian Narrative directly affects National development.
    The way English is promoted in the media if Sanskrit were to be promoted we'd have a nation talking away in Sanskrit in a few years.

Q) Of what use is Sanskrit/Sanskriti in today's world. These are all old and useless things.
Latest cognitive science (western) did MRI scans of brain of people solving problems.
The tougher problems required the usage of more areas of both hemispheres of brain.

The two hemispheres are connected by a X shaped connection.
The thicker the corpus callosum the better the interconnections between various diverse ideas.
Think iPhone vs. old mobile.

This is the stuff of GENIUS. more connections being made across diverse areas.
The constant buzz-words of 'innovation' and 'invention', 'value-addition' would be a reality instead of serial-thinking lobotomised worker class made for assembly line serialized thinking.

See Sir Ken Robinson's thoughts on linear thinking :
Note: This is from a British upper class educated guy.
David Kelley of Ideo talks about need for more inter-disciplinary interactions for design ideas :
His company gave Apple/Steve Jobs many ideas for iPhone etc. He hires doctors, journalists, artists, engineers to form a think-tank

Now imagine your child doing all that in his own brain. That is Holistic vision and world-view. The one we stand to lose along with our Sanskriti and many valuable things.
For us at least Sanskrit and Sanskriti are the way for us to come out of the shadow of Colonization.

More usage from young age will create a generation of people "who don't do different things but do things differently"

The number of polymaths (like Leonardo) in our Sanskriti were many because of this. Experts in a number of fields like music, maths etc.

In fact there is no separation between arts and sciences in our Sanskriti.
Fundamental and underlying principles are applied across Ayurveda, Sangeet-shastra, Vaadya, Bharatnatyam, Astronomy, Rasayana-shastra, Ganita-shastra and of course Sanskrit itself.
This is because the Sanskrit word Yoga itself means TO-JOIN/UNIFY.

In fact Vedas themselves were handed down from generations.
Errors are impossible due to built in error-correction codes.
The process of validating the verse is called as Ghana paatha i.e. rendering the verses in rows and columns, forwards and backwards so that any single syllable error is immediately apparent.

For example this is a practical application of our Insight into the Brain and Body connection which is used in studies.
Why uthak-baithak is an accupressure cure to increase Intelligence.
It was meant for weak students and NOT meant as a punishment.

Left Brain activity = linear logical step-by-step.
Right Brain activity = non-linear, "out of the box" super creative ideas.

Ability to synchronize BOTH types of thinking is mostly seen in Math Geniuses.
So if you want yourself or kids to have more of that ability start doing Uthak-Baithak or "Super Brain Yoga"!!

And how 'scientific research' is reusing this technique to help 'mentally challenged' children improve their memory and intelligence :

Q) So do you propose we go back to Gurukul system in today's modern world.
In fact Head First Series based on cognitive science research tries to engage student recall by adding stories, situations, conversations, discussions etc.
This is nothing but our story-based, analogy-based higher order education in Gurukul system.
Experience and wisdom were part of the handed-down knowledge.