Thursday, June 12, 2014

Origin of Konkani (Amchi) from Sanskrit

The origins of Konkani makes interesting reading 

I recently came across a blog 
by one Ms. Aarti Makeri of USA. 

I found it interesting and thought I must share this with our group. 

It says "In ancient times, the Saraswat Brahmins lived near the Saraswati River, a region of land which became known as the Saraswat Desha. 

At that time, the Saraswats emphasized the importance of correct pronunciation and grammar of the Sanskrit language in public. However, at home, they spoke a vernacular form of Sanskrit which became known as Brahmani. 

Other names for this common spoken language are Brahmi, Bharati, Geervana, and Saraswati. The prose form of this language became known as Basha. Thus, many referred to the spoken language of the Saraswats as Bal Saraswati, Bal Basha, or Brahmani.
How did Brahmani become known as Konkani?!forum/shri-chitrapur-saraswats

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