Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Ayurvedic Oil Swishing (also known in west as Oil Pulling)

Came across this method of reducing (among other things) allergies and asthma while searching on Ayurveda with Divyesh Shah. This method is known as "Kulla Karna" in Hindi.
It takes only 15 minutes in the morning/night and it has benefits which make it totally worth the small effort.

My Experiences :
+ Nutty taste of pure virgin Til Tail (Sesame/Gingelly Oil)
+ Irimedadi Tail (Medicated Ayurvedic Oil for Gum and Tooth Problems)
Refer : Ayurvedic Medicated Oils
+ Oil is a better organic solvent than water to dissolve hard to reach and difficult to clean tartar.
+ Expectorant effect on sinus, throat and lungs. Humidity increases as 'fumes of oil' and maybe oily patina on changes the chemistry of mucosal lining.
+ The first day a kind of granular paste emerged from the depths of the throat.
   Kind of like the white stuff that comes out after high fever which leaves the mouth tasteless and the tongue coated.
+ Mucous from nose, throat and chest emerges and adds a very salty taste (kind of like melting salted butter) to the Peanut Butter like oil.
My Observations, Connections and Surmises

In Ayurveda 'Ama' and/or 'Kapha' develops due to dysfunctional effects building up in the body.
A healthy body (Sattvic Ahamkar or Prakriti) is able to eliminate this waste matter easily and regularly.
An unhealthy body (Tamasic Ahamkar or Vikriti) however is unable to/unwilling to discard this waste material.
In fact one sure-fire way of coaxing the body to be give up toxins and waste material is to make it feel warmth (Ushnata), comforted and loved (Snighdata). An unloved and uncared for body and mind holds tight to the very substances and ideas that create problems.

Refer to Robert Svoboda book 'Prakriti' and use of step-by-step purification of body called PanchaKarma of which Snehana is the first step. A summary of Vasant Lad PanchaKarma - concepts of Ayurveda and experiences of a Westerner

+ How it affects bacteria in mouth? [TODO]
   Maybe by killing off bacteria with surface-tension or ionic-coat related properties?

+ Tonifying internal Oil massage for tongue, throat, nasal tract, sinuses and chest.
+ Tonifying and building effect on Thyroid-Parathyroid glands.
   Reports of weight loss may be linked to the improved functioning of the Thyroid glands.

+ Vishuddha Chakra : Definite improvement in voice quality of base notes as well as effortless exploration of high register while singing difficult pieces of Hindustani Classical Music.
+ VagShakti being envigorated on exercising of tongue, throat etc maybe.
+ Anahata Chakra : Also feel this may be having good effect on Anahata chakra as bass notes could be felt reverberating sonorously in chest.
I remember reading somewhere that oral bacterial infections are also linked to diseases of Heart and Liver I think.

Wonder if Samudra Manthan and Neelkanth story is linked to this Akash tattva kriya?
TODO: Find out more about this technique from ancient texts of Ayurveda.

Oil Swishing method for tooth ache and other problems : http://suite101.com/a/my-incredible-experience-oil-pulling

1) Mouthwash with just a teaspoon of raw Til oil (till it becomes milky white after 15 minutes) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_pulling

2) The article mentions that Charaka Samhita Ch V 78-80 : http://www.oilpulling.org/oil-pulling/how-oil-pulling-started/

"It is a little known fact that Ayurveda prescribed Sesame Oil swishing in the mouth as one of the daily routine habits in the morning for oral and dental hygiene.
In case of gum, teeth and mouth diseases the same is prescribed for cure. The beneficial effects are given as: “It is beneficial for strength of jaws, depth of voice, flabbiness of face, improving gustatory sensation and good taste for food. One used to this practice never gets dryness of throat, nor do his lips ever get cracked; his teeth will never be carious and will be deep rooted; he will not have any toothache nor will his teeth set on edge by sour intake; his teeth can chew even the hardest eatables”—Charaka samhita Ch V -78 to 80."

3) Oil pulling method for tooth ache and other problems : http://suite101.com/a/my-incredible-experience-oil-pulling

Not sure if all the claims by the website/Dr. Karach are authentic or not, but I remember reading some western studies linking tooth infections with various other diseases like heart, liver etc.

4) Godrej Nature Basket 1st Sesame oil (500 ml) cold pressed virgin oil online (too costly) :

5) Raw oil is also known as 'cold pressed', 'virgin oil', 'first press', 'kachhi ghani'.
In fact Dhara has 'kachhi ghani' mustard oil. Mustard oil and sesame oil are both used extensively in Ayurveda.

The store locator of Idhayam Gingelly Oil also mentions M.K.Ahmed stores in Jayanagar.

There are 3 varieties (From Rs. 270, Rs 150, Rs. 80) based on first press and mix with other oils :
It seems they have "Idhayam Wealth Oil Pulling sachets of 10 ml" are available :
a) What is Oil Pulling : http://idhayam.com/category/wealth-oil-pulling/
b) How-to : http://idhayam.com/2012/12/31/oil-pulling-therapy/
c) How it works : http://idhayam.com/2012/12/31/how-it-works/
d) Sachet : http://idhayam.com/2012/12/31/good-health-in-a-sachet/

Idhayam Store Locator in Karnataka/Tamil Nadu : http://idhayam.com/store-locator

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