Tuesday, December 24, 2013

[Book Review] "Prakriti" by Robert Svoboda (Your Ayuvedic Constitution) - STUB

For such a small volume to contain such super collection of tips, insights and secrets of such a vast and useful storehouse of knowledge... I'm speechless... almost :-)
1) Useful to beginners with introduction in simple easy to understand terms.
2) Useful to intermediate people as it tries to unveil not only the symptoms but the root causes.
3) Useful to advanced practitioners in understanding the simplicity behind the complexity of Ayurveda.

The more you read/re-read this slim and elegant volume the more you love it for being simple, concise and comprehensive.

'Ayurveda and the Mind' by Dr. David Frawley covers more of the mental/psychological aspects of ayurveda.

Note: Though I'm somewhat of a beginner to Ayurveda itself I've had a bit of training on Accupuncture followed up by more self-reading etc. Hatha Yoga and Indian are my other interests.

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