Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Devdutt Pattanaik Videos, Articles and Books (and also his alleigance to Wendy Doniger on the quiet)

What is the Bhava behind the Karma?

I think Devdutt Pattanaik's thoughts and articles can act as a first step to exploring our ancient Sanskriti and Scriptures by oneself.
Recently I came across his article praising a certain Wendy Donniger.
This is the same lady who has been projecting western Freudian models on Bharatiya Gods/Godesses.
Rajiv Malhotra has dissected and refuted her (and her private opinion club) in this article : 

Devdutt Pattanaik seems to base his logic on Western thought (Science of Mythology).
As per this article where he confesses a Western role-model Wendy Doniger : http://devdutt.com/articles/myth-theory/my-interview-with-wendy-doniger.html
I don't think a Westerner esp. one such as Wendy can ever come to understand India like Indians do. She can only view it through a Western Freudian 'sex-based' lenses.

So while none of Devdutt Pattanaik's articles seem to be so "rude" and "crude" it has to be kept in mind that his own role-model is Wendy Donniger. This will ultimately reflect in the bhakti-bhava of the author. He may step shy of explicitly saying things his mentor would but he still believes her words to be true.
Leftist Liberals Trying to Capture Mind/Marketshare of "Great Indian Middle Class" : 

The Rise of Hindu-Phobia : http://www.mid-day.com/articles/the-rise-of-hindu-phobia/15326170

My comments : 
Devdutt is good at being ambiguous.... He does not care/dare show his own allegiance to Wendy and her cohorts. He exposed his true colours during the recent pulping of her joke of a book.

Narova kunjarova is his mantra... But unlike Yudhishtira he is not honest enough to even say those 2 words... Maybe in his mind... Only he would know.

The so called leftist 'liberals' are feeling exposed and unmasked in front of their former followers the much deposed and denigrated "great Indian middle class".

They are desperately trying to win them back with pseudo-talk... Ambiguous statements that look conciliatory on the surface, while at core not budging an inch ideologically.

All this to get back valuable mind and more importantly market share.

I suggest you to read his columns and FB posts from that period. 
Very smug sepoy cheer leader claiming that 'uninitiated' only could be against Wendy...

Liked his writing and videos as he mostly his talks were brief and introduced me to stories of Bharatiya Sanskriti of which I was sadly unaware...

Yet every article left a lot unsaid. I always felt something was lacking. The depth of Bhar
atiya Thought was somehow not coming through. Other sources were much more clear on the Dharmic aspects while Devdutt chose to restrict himself to only secular aspects.

Though many 'subjective' views were expressed the theory of Karma was never properly explained. Explaining one story or incident only lead to 10 more questions. Since the articles were quite short there was no follow-up nor any attempt at later explanation.

I thought that this was intentionally done to avoid overloading readers with too much info. I said as much in our email threads.

In Indian thought every thing is connected. I was looking for more articles to fill this gap on his website.

Also read few of Kabir's dohas even a few stanza's of which are filled to the brim with deep knowledge from the Agamas etc. In fact just trying to explain one doha requires one to understand terminology of Yoga itself.
A Guru was required to decode the deep and esoteric meaning of words and symbols used. It's not possible to understand this just by reading the original works. The traditional knowledge passed on had to be accessible.

So how come Devdutt was not either tapping into such insight from a Guru? What was his reference material?

The only attribution for his insight into scriptures as per his own admission was extreme hard work, professional research, using spreadsheets to track every fact etc. No mention of Wendy's work as inspiration... Apart from this small interview piece which I found as I browser through his article archives page by page.

I came to know of Rajiv Malhotras books and articles on Indian Sepoys and their colonial/financial/intellectual masters.

It so happened that around 15-30 days before Wendy's book controversy I happened upon a small article by Devdutt on his admiration and inspiration of Wendy and her work. It was his interview from way back in 2000.

I'd tried very hard to find out his sources earlier as it might lead me to good books on symbolism in Hinduism. Nothing!!

Why hide this if not to avoid crossing swords with Hindu critics. I posted many questions on this aspect on his website. No reply at all. No response or allowing of my comments on his article praising wendy.

Note : This was before the controversy on her book publishing in India.
Maybe he felt sure of his following on FB.

Added these comments to Devdutt's interview with Wendy. My previous comments 5 months back were all pending approval. Initially I felt they were being blocked. But it's default action in disqus posts which contain external links. Nobody bothers approving such pending comments. So removed external links and reposted here : http://devdutt.com/.../my-interview-with-wendy-doniger.html


Wealth, IQ, EQ. These 3 things determine a lot about a person and his choices.

Devdutt Pattanaik has created a number of books, articles and videos based on what our ancient Indian texts have to say on 
these 3 aspects. The talks are very relevant to our everyday life and common problems we face. 

Why we face these problems and how to understand the human mind and society in order to lead a better, more balanced life.

How to go about understanding ones circumstances, perception and introspection to better the quality of our life 
is the main thrust of these talks.

Videos :
1) Business organizations (like other groups) are finally made of people.
What makes people tick? What makes one happy (or unhappy) with ones job?
How we perceive things and why we act the way we do.
Business Sutra Season 1 complete (Video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz2o3J_2plE
Business Sutra 10 Part Series Playlist : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzoRWzdDKjY&list=PL080288DF1F7BBA8A

2) Society, Politics, Justice, Corruption are all related to people and relations between people. All these are nothing but forms of relations between people.
Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga are the 3 forms of Shakti which govern Wealth, Intelligence and Power.
Shastrartha 21 Part Series in Hindi (video) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWkxe0-dOAo&list=PL67C79820253EE011

3) Shastraartha (MBA Se Aage) Hindi Video Series (2013): http://devdutt.com/video/shastrarth/shastrath-mba-se-aage.html

4) Devdutt Pattanaik video explains the significance of Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga in our hearts, minds and lives : http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/money-mantra/the-goddess-lakshmi/173774?curl=1382552589
Articles :
Thought provoking stories which help us understand very common/recurring aspects of our daily life.

a) Spiritual, Financial, Emotional L.S.D: http://devdutt.com/articles/myth-theory/spiritual-lsd.html

d) What makes for a 'good place to work' : http://devdutt.com/articles/leadership/a-sense-of-security.html

f) Bhairava and Reporting Structure in the Organization: http://devdutt.com/articles/leadership/dog-and-the-bone.html

g) Durga and the Power structures in the company: http://devdutt.com/articles/leadership/power-exchange.html

h) The Story behind 'Why does Narada Muni start fights?" :http://devdutt.com/articles/indian-mythology/narada-on-the-prowl.html


   "That He (Shiva) demands offerings of Bilva sprigs that are constituted of three leaves joined at the base, 
   is a reminder that true happiness comes when we balance our craving for survival and significance with sensitivity for others. 
   Lakshmi and Durga without Saraswati will not work."
9) What Man Needs - From survival to significance : http://devdutt.com/from-survival-to-significance-2


The Wealth Gods:

   Interestingly in the comments Devdutt refutes to take sides in exploiter/exploited contention.

6) Why is an overflowing pot shown beside Lakshmi : http://devdutt.com/articles/myth-theory/the-dance-of-the-pot.html

7) Rituals and Lakshmi's need to flow: http://devdutt.com/articles/indian-mythology/when-lakshmi-flows.html   


   Is this the cause of Obesity (physical, mental and spiritual)?

Books :
7 Secrets of Vishnu :
7 Secrets of Shiva :
Jaya - Illustrated retelling of Mahabharat :
Myth = Mythya :
7 Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art : http://tattva-gyan.blogspot.com/2011/10/7-secrets-of-hindu-calendar-art-insight.html


Superb article by Devdutt Pattanaik about Lakshmi and Property. 
Note: This article no longer exists on the website. Found it in one of my old mails.


Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth who holds in her hand a pot. Pots are not natural; they are manmade. Presence of pots indicates presence of humanity. The pot holds a special place in human imagination because a pot changes humanity’s relationship with nature. Once water moves from a water body into a pot, it stops being everyone’s water. It now belongs to the person who owns the pot. Water in a pot has an owner. The pot enables humans to turn natural resources into personal property.

Property is a human idea, an artificial construction, not a natural phenomenon. Animals do not own nature. Animals have territory that they defend with brute force. But when another animal lays claim to its territory and it is unable to fight back, there is no court where an animal can go to appeal. There are no courts in nature; no law except might is right, survival of the fittest. Animals need territory in order to survive – to get access to food. Animals do not create territory for self-actualization. Herein is the difference between animal and humans, territory and property, water in the river and water in a pot, food in a tree and food in a basket. Humans need property not just to survive; humans need property in order to feel significant.

All living organisms die. Only humans introspect about death and wonder then about the point of life. Property gives humans a reason to live and it allows humans to defy mortality. “I may die, but my pot will outlive me.” Thus property gives human life a meaning; it validates existence.

When one says, that the purpose of the organization is to generate wealth – we are not simply referring to the human need to survive, we are referring to the human need for significance. There is enough wealth around to pull people out of poverty but there is never enough wealth to make people feel significant. For the human desire to feel significant is infinite. And this is the source of most conflicts.

Nagarjuna P. Raja built a hotel in a small town. The hotel was highly successful. It generated a lot of wealth. Now, he has appointed a manager to run the hotel so that he can achieve his lifelong dream of retiring in peace and enjoying his wealth, and not bother with its generation.

Unfortunately, every time he visits the hotel he finds something wrong. The manager, he feels, is not doing his job. This leads to arguments. The manager is exasperated. He tries to explain to Mr. Raja that he must be allowed to take a call to run the show but Mr. Raja keeps interfering. This is a classical conflict between the proprietor and the professional. Arguments are often logical but the cause of the conflict has nothing to do with logic; it is emotional.

What the manager, and Mr. Raja, do not realize is that the hotel is Mr. Raja’s pot. It is not only merely the source of money. It is about Mr. Raja’s sense of significance. When seems like a fight between Mr. Raja and the manager over the best way to manage the hotel, is actually Mr. Raja’s fight for his significance. If he remains indifferent to the running of the hotel, he feels invalidated. But in interfering with the hotel, he invalidates the manager. And so the two fight as two animals fight over territory. Only here they are not fighting for survival. They are fighting for significance.

While animals are clear why they are fighting, humans are not. The desire to feel significant is never a stated goal. It is an unconscious need. The hotel defines Mr. Raja’s image of himself. It justifies his existence on earth. Makes him feel he has done something with his life. Letting it into the hands of a manager seems logical, but he needs to remind himself, and the manager, constantly that it is his, and only his, pot. So long as this desire for significance is not acknowledged, the fight between Mr. Raja and the manager will never end.

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