Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Center - The origin of everything

5 elements are like 5 fingers stretching outward and back from the centre of the hand.
Homo/Hetero is like the palm and the fingers.
Neutro is like the middle of the palm.

Energy MUST change form between the 5 (continuous) types.
In order to attain control over the 5 types, we must go 1 level higher/deeper to Yin/Yang level.
Above that lies the Neutro level, the eye of the storm.
Shoonya or Center is the where energy comes from.
Something comes from Nothing/Stillness.

This zone of calm is where lies the balance. Nirvana = Where none of the 5 waves arise and subside into the calmness of the depths

FAQs :
If life force is made up of only 2 energies why do we see so much variety, unpredictability around us?
Why isn't there more harmony in life?
How can only 2 basic forces (Yin/Yang) produce so much confusion?
Can 2 different energies produce the same effect? How is that possible?
The accupuncture charts are so intricate, how could anyone guess that such a system would exist?
Why should Self-Similarity/Recursive design be important or necessary from the point of view of Natures' design for our bodies?
How can anyone claim that such a convoluted system is a Natural System? Did Nature sit down and chart these maps?
If so were these charts magically given to proponents of Accupuncture?
Why only Six energies? Why not twelve or less (or more for that matter)?
How can a disturbance in some energy produce an illness?
Does that mean that if I poke a person somewhere on his body or hands or feet he may become paralysed or cured randomly?
Yin/Yang. Doesn't that have something to do with Tantric Sex?
How does Western Medicine enter the picture? How can it be effective without using the concepts of Yin/Yang?
How about Indian Medicine (Ayurveda)? What similarities or differences exist between Doshas and Yin/Yang?

POINTS TBDiscussed:
Single Energy
(homo-hetero-neutro ) Yin-Yang
Life-Cycle and Energies
Six Energies ??( 2 Yang (Wind,Heat), 2 Yin-Yang(Hotness,Humidity), 2 Yin(Dryness,Cold) )??
?? Twelve stems ??
Su-Jok (Hand/Foot)
Five Finger Mudras(Yin and Yang Mudras)
Effect of One energy on another using Mudras.
Yin Wind effecting Humidity.

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