Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Center of Life, The Universe and Everything

Balance, Imbalance, Equilibrium, Lever, End-points, Center (Fulcrum or Pivot), Power, Weakness.
Magic or Genius is the exertion of a small force across a large distance to do the impossible lifting of an enormous "impossibility".

"Nothing is impossible" 
"There are no accidents"
                                   [Master Ooogway in Kung-Fu Panda]
"Nothing is impossible when you have inner peace"
                                   [Master Shifu in Kung-fu Panda]

Tai Lung is zeroed (balanced/defeated) by Po.
Something is zeroed (balanced) by some-thing-else
Zero is the great balancer of opposites

Image of a Long Lever, Small Force, Large Output at a distance (courtsey of wikipedia)

Power: "Levers can be used to exert a large force over a small distance at one end by exerting only a small force over a greater distance at the other." [Wikipedia]

Stillness lies at the center between Power and Weakness.
Balance lies where there is stillness at all points along a continuum (of linkage).

In self-development when the student discovers the Power of using the center and the lever he constantly wants to exert his ego or will on the universe. Using his secret technique to dominate "things". This is the temptation of siddhi. Siddhi means success.
Problem is this leads to more and more karma. Once you disturb the lake surface enough there is no reflection no peace no balance. Power leads to pollution leads to disorientation and destruction.
Balance lies at the center.
Imbalance occurs only at the Ends of the Lever, the center always constant.
The more the distance between the center and the ends the more the imbalance due to the lever action.
(Meta) Physics and Mathematics
All of infinity is one at its center.
"Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the earth with a lever"
 [Aristotle via wikipedia]
There are 3 types of people in this world
Rogi (Sickman)
Bhogi (Indulger)
Yogi (One with everything)

Both Rogi and Bhogi are balanced by Yogi.
Weakness, Strength, balanced at the Center.
Quantum Physics and Entanglement

This also explains 'Action at distance' or 'pair of equal and opposite particles at infinite distance'
  or the Universe is one. The reason why a infinite variations is found is due to the range from -infinity to +infinity right through the center of variation where no variation lies at all.
Try to balance a ball on a cricket bat.
There are 2 ways to do this
a) Equal and opposite actions at both ends of the bat
ball balanced by anti-ball i.e. You acting as a mirror image of the ball. The pivot is the place of stillness where you become a total observer of the ball, so much so that you become one with it thus allowing you to mirror it (as in the snake and the master in Kung-fu Kid, who is imitating who)
b) Reduce the distance between the center of stillness and the ends i.e. bring the ball to the pivot or th e pivot to the ball. This is just what we described above. So these "2" methods are just 2 approaches to stillnes. Goal is same.
c) Connect your stillness center with the end-point centers.
d) a center simultaneously everywhere
e) Having no center but the center.
f) Tat tvam asi. (That thou art)

All these are just approaches to the stillness of the center. Many roads to THE self. THE center.
Zen Koans like "Nothing is impossible"
Here Nothing can mean multiple things:
a) no thing OR
b) nothing (i.e. zero).
Zero is (not) impossible - very much possible
No-thing is impossible - being no-individual-thing is also possible (through Zen or Yoga)
no-thing is not possible i.e. thing is possible (by replacing self with that)

Kakekotoba: (double-meaning of Japanese Koans) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakekotoba
Lever: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lever
Balance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_%28metaphysics%29
Confucius's Doctrine of the Mean : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctrine_of_the_Mean
Six Simple Machines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_machine
Ideal Machine (no friction or elasticity): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_machine#Frictionless_analysis
Linkage (between you, the center and the end-point) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linkage_%28mechanical%29
Action-At-A-Distance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_at_a_distance_%28physics%29
Quantam Entaglement: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement
EPR Paradox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPR_paradox
Kung-fu Panda : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kung_Fu_Panda_characters

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