Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Connections between Yogic Parvatasana, Dog Stretch, Geometry, Levers and Arches

Principles of the Dog Stretch

  1. Triangle to get Top-to-Toe stretch
  2. Arching action from Top-to-Toe to extend the stretch

Mathematical Principles

  1. Shortest distance between 2 points is a Straight Line and between 3 points is a Triangle.
  2. Longer distance between 2 points is a Curve.
  3. Longest distance between 3 points is a Twist (Refer to Twist Therapy and Twisting Yog-Asanas)


  1. Use the Lever Principle with the Triangle ( fulcrum being the eye-of-the-storm )
  2. Use inspirational breathing to create the minuscule arch to extend the stretch
  3. Use muscular arching to really extend the stretch
  4. Use opposite sided stretching to really extend the play (rusted-screw)


  1. Analyze video of a dog stretching himself. Most probably the Surya Namskar pose known as 'Parvat-asana' is inspired by this natural stretching exercise.
  2. Get hold of any material researching a dog stretching esp. with regard to computer point-based models
  3. Get hold of Yoga Anatomy info, Physiotherapy info, Mathematics behind Levers, Arches
  • Hatha Yoga Anatomy (book)
  • Strength Training Anatomy (book)
  • Breathing and Stable positions must matter a lot in Olympic Sniper shooting. Seek out any papers on this.

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